


WAS IST Moonshot?

Moonshot ist ein aufregendes neues Serious Game, das Teams hilft, neue Ideen für unternehmerisches Wachstum zu entwickeln.

Essentio bietet einen dreistündigen Workshop an, der eine unterhaltsame und fesselnde Möglichkeit bietet, neue Ideen zu entwickeln und diese mit Hilfe von 30 verschiedenen Kreativitätstechniken zu testen und weiterzuentwickeln.

Das Spielen von Moonshot fördert nicht nur kreatives Denken und Innovationsfähigkeiten, sondern vermittelt auch wesentliche Metakompetenzen, die in komplexen Zeiten unerlässlich sind.

Erlebe das Spiel selbst und bringe deine Innovationsfähigkeiten mit einem von Essentio veranstalteten Moonshot-Workshop auf die nächste Stufe.


Moonshot zu spielen macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern fördert auch das kreative Denken, die Innovationsfähigkeit, und wichtige Metakompetenzen, die in komplexen Zeiten unerlässlich sind.
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Innovation & creativity happens in teams

Moonshot is a team experience that shakes up knowledge, promotes exchange of ideas and establishes an innovation culture within the company.
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Train creativity and iterative thinking

Moonshot promotes creativity with over 30 methods and trains the ability to discard what has been started. Those who experiment must learn to appreciate the iterative process.
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Generate and validate ideas under pressure

Moonshot functions as a testing environment that tests new and existing ideas and concepts for their potential and generates market feedback.
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Encouragement of Resilience

Moonshot can serve as a powerful tool for promoting resilience in individuals and teams by challenging them to think outside of their comfort zones and adapt to changing conditions.
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Pitch Training & Improvisation

The pressure-testing aspect of Moonshot allows participants to practice improvisation, presenting ideas and concepts under time constraints and receiving feedback helps to become more confident and effective communicators
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Team Building and unforgettable moments

Through the shared experience of working together to solve complex problems, participants learn to trust and rely on one another, fostering a culture of creativity and innovation.

Workshop Agenda

3 hours of applied outside-the-box thinking


Explanation of the purpose and goals of the workshop
Introduction to the concept of Moonshot and its relationship to innovation and creativity

Presentation on Innovation & Creativity

Overview of key concepts and principles of innovation and creativity
Discussion of the importance of thinking big and taking risks in order to drive innovation

Rules & Ideas

Explanation of the rules and guidelines for the Moonshot game
Participants will use a variety of creativity & out-of-the-box thinking techniques to generate ideas for their Moonshot Game

Let's Play

Participants will divide into teams and begin their journey in the Moonshot game. The Game Master will provide support and guidance as needed, helping teams to navigate the game and make the most of their ideas

Feedback & Lessons learned

Participants will come together as a group to share their experiences with the game and provide feedback. The Game Master will lead a discussion to help participants reflect on what they learned, what worked well, and which methods could be implemented within their organisations.

Hard facts

Contact us to learn more about how we can tailor a Moonshot workshop to your specific needs.


Workshop duration: 3-4 hours,
available in German and English,
Tailored to specific needs


250 € (excl. VAT) per participant
with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 participants


Enhancing creativity and innovation skills, learning essential meta-competences, developing new ideas and perspectives, adapting to changing circumstances

The Game master

certified and trained by Moonshot & Playful Business

Loves structure & planning and firmly believes that execution is key, while still trying to have time as entrepreneur for a nice glass of wine with friends.

Dominik Renner, EMBA

Co-Founder & CEO

Loves to switch on light bulbs with people - facilitating those 'aha-moments' that change mindsets and open up new possibilities

Daniel Reicher, MA

Senior Consultant

Bereit zum Gespräch?!

Lass uns über Technik reden und dein Unternehmen auf das nächste Level heben!

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