Revolutionizing Meeting Efficiency: The Power of AI in Protocol Writing

Published on
November 28, 2023
Daniel Reicher
Senior Consultant
Dominik Renner
CEO & Co-Founder Essentio
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In the modern business world, meetings are an unavoidable part of daily work. While they are often necessary to advance projects and make decisions, documenting these meetings can be a time-consuming task. This brings us to the question: Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) write protocols?

AI-Powered Protocol Writing: The Future is Here

Yes, AI can indeed write protocols. With the advancement of AI technology, tools are now available that can transcribe conversations in real-time and create protocols from them. These AI-driven solutions can not only speed up transcription but also improve the accuracy and efficiency of the entire process. However, it's important to understand that the human minute-taker isn't completely replaced. Instead, the tool should be seen as an aid to facilitate and speed up the process by automating manual transcription and organization of the protocols.

Why You Should Use AI for Writing Protocols

Writing protocols can be a complex and time-consuming task. You have to record every word in meetings, put it into a meaningful context, and ensure that no important details are lost. This can be particularly challenging when the meeting is long or when many people speak at the same time. Here, it may be worthwhile to let AI write the protocol.

Using AI for writing protocols can bring several benefits. First, it can save a lot of time. Instead of spending hours creating transcripts, AI can do this task in a fraction of the time. Second, AI can provide solutions for improving accuracy. It can also analyze complex conversations and highlight important points that might otherwise be overlooked. Additionally, AI can help improve the structure and clarity of the protocol by organizing information in a logical order and removing unclear or redundant information.

Protocols Writing with AI: 5 Tools and How to Use Them

There are a number of AI-based tools that can help you write protocols. Here are five of them and how you can use them:

  1. This tool uses speech recognition technology to transcribe conversations in real-time. You can run it during your meetings, and it will create a written record that you can later review and edit.
  2. Tetra: Tetra is an AI-driven tool that transcribes telephone conferences. It can not only convert spoken words into text but also highlight key points and create a summary of the meeting.
  3. This tool records your meetings and then transcribes them into text. It can also identify key points and highlight them for later review.
  4. Voicea: Voicea is another AI-driven tool capable of transcribing conversations and identifying key points. It can also be integrated with other tools like Slack and Google Calendar to facilitate the sharing and organizing of protocols.
  5. is an AI-supported transcription service specifically designed for meetings and conferences. It can transcribe conversations in real-time and highlight important points.

7 Tips for Efficient Protocol Management Through AI

Using AI for writing protocols can be a powerful tool, but it's important to implement effective strategies to get the most out of these tools. Here are seven tips that can help:

  1. Ensure good audio quality: AI tools rely on clear and distinct audio recordings to work accurately. Make sure your meetings are conducted in a quiet environment and that all participants speak clearly.
  2. Test the tool before the meeting: It's always a good idea to test the tool before the actual meeting to ensure it works properly.
  3. Use keywords: Many AI tools can recognize and highlight keywords. Use this feature to mark important points.
  4. Review the protocols: Even though AI can be very accurate, it's not perfect. Always review the protocols for errors or omissions.
  5. Utilize different formats: Use the ability to convert the protocols into different formats to make them more accessible and usable.
  6. Share the protocols: Share the protocols with the meeting participants so they have the opportunity to review them and provide feedback.
  7. Stay updated: AI technology is constantly evolving. Stay informed about new features and improvements.

Avoid These Mistakes

Although AI offers many advantages in writing protocols, there are also some mistakes you should avoid. One of the most common mistakes is placing too much trust in AI. AI is a tool, and like any tool, it's only as good as the person using it. It's important to always review and correct the protocols if necessary. Another common mistake is neglecting privacy and security. Make sure the AI software you use employs secure and data protection-compliant procedures. Ensure that you securely store recordings and protocols and share them only with those who should see them.

Conclusion: Let AI Write Protocols and Save Time!

Writing protocols can be a time-consuming and tedious task. But with the help of AI, it can become much simpler and more efficient. AI can not only help create accurate and detailed protocols but also assist in identifying key points and making decisions. So, take advantage of AI for writing protocols – you'll be surprised how much time you can save!

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